Sony Ericsson W1
Ari911™ - 09-09-2008 16:23 Sony Ericsson working on a second Windows Mobile smartphone? If a new image turns out to be genuine, the answer is maybe. The image shows the W1, a Walkman-branded smartphone with a large screen, a navpad, and a Windows Mobile 6 Pro screenshot. The image also lists select features of the device, which include a 6.1MP camera, a VGA screen and 32GB of onboard flash storage.
Sony Ericsson is already prepping its first Windows Mobile device, the XPERIA X1, for release as early as September, so a second WinMo handheld isn’t outside the realm of possibility. The image is labeled as a concept, however, which could mean that it’s nothing more than the offspring of a boring afternoon and a passing knowledge of Photoshop.żby konkurencja dla Iphone i Samsunga Omia?
androx19 - 09-14-2008 18:39
Wiadomo, jesli jeden producent stworzy cos, co sie dobrze sprzedaje(Iphone) to automatycznie inni próbuj± zagarn±ć kawałek tego wielkiego tortu jakim jest rynek bajerzastych (i drogich) telefonów. Zobaczymy co jeszcze da się włożyć do telefonu bo konkurencja goni. A SE W1? Pamięć i procesor robi± wrażenie. Ciekawe ile bedzie kosztowac :)
SoboL - 09-16-2008 15:31
Ale czemu na styl IPoda? :/