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  • Sony Ericsson animated themes (240×320)

    Ari911™ - 05-28-2009 18:13

    Sony Ericsson animated themes (240×320) | (3.48 MB)

    Download six new animated themes for SE mobiles with screen resolution 240×320.

    This small pack including such really nice animated themes:
    1.animated black skull.thm
    2.animated hit man.thm
    3.animated neo matrix.thm
    4.animated super car.thm
    5.anim funny eggs.thm
    6.honda civic animated.thm

    Model Supports:
    Sony Ericsson K770i Themes, Sony Ericsson K790i Themes, Sony Ericsson K800i Themes, Sony Ericsson K810i Themes, Sony Ericsson M600i Themes, Sony Ericsson P1i Themes, Sony Ericsson P990i Themes, Sony Ericsson S500i Themes, Sony Ericsson T650i Themes, Sony Ericsson W580i Themes, Sony Ericsson W850i Themes, Sony Ericsson W880 Themes, Sony Ericsson W888i Themes, Sony Ericsson W900i Themes, Sony Ericsson W950i Themes, Sony Ericsson W960i Themes, Sony Ericsson Z710i Themes & All 240x320 Screen SE


    saimon1990 - 02-11-2010 16:22
    Link nie działa :(:(:(
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