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  • collection of graphics portable application

    madacita - 12-25-2009 17:11
    PhotoInstrument 3.1 Build 325 Portable
    PhotoInstrument is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital Photo problems: photo Editing; photo Retouch; Draw MakeUp. Make your photo looks like its taken by professional photographer. If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is answer your question.
    Current version includes these tools:
    - Liquify
    - Clone
    - Smudge
    - Skin Cleaner
    - Glamour Skin
    - Dodge / Burn
    - Brush
    - Blur
    - Sharpen
    - Colorize
    - Rotate / Scale
    - Red Eye Removal
    - Brightness-Contrast
    - Adjust Color Levels
    - Glow
    http://uploading.com/files/3e253c5b/PhotoInstrument.rar/ PhotoFiltre 6.40 Portable
    PhotoFiltre 6.40 Portable | 1.58 Mb
    PhotoFiltre is a complete image editing and effects package, that will not only amaze you with features but also the fact that it is free (for personal use). It comes with many features that rival some commercial packages, as well as additional add-on that can be downloaded from the web site.
    PhotoFiltre offers all the standard editing features (selection, clone brush, paint brush etc.) as well as a large selection of image effects, Photo masks, image adjustments, thumbnail browser and much more. The program also supports batch processing to apply filters, sizing, adjustments and transformations to a large number of images at once. PhotoFiltre comes with modern, well designed interface and is well suited for everything from simple resizing to advanced photo editing.
    PhotoLine 15.54 Portable
    PhotoLine 15.54 Portable | 19.06 MB
    PhotoLine provides a wealth of tools for editing photographs. While there is a great deal of options, the program seems to be aimed at users with a lot of prior image altering knowledge.
    The program's interface kept us guessing when we started since it was cluttered with icons for editing tools and various windows with technical information. A visit to the Help file's definitions clarified a lot, but we still needed to experiment, especially to understand the more technical aspects. The program offered a great deal of editing options, from ones that fix small facial blemishes to cropping the photo to overall distortions of the image. The tools all worked well, but required a steady hand and an understanding of each tool's aesthetic properties to fully utilize them, which frequently resulted in pictures looking worse than when we started. The boxes to the right detailed highly specific elements, such as the RGB composition of the color and weren't helpful in our situation. One thing that wasn't over our head was the features that adjusted the picture's quality, like the slider option that roughed up the image and made it look old. Overall, though, we never felt comfortable with this program because of its demands of specific knowledge.
    PhotoLine is an imaging processing software, image browser, layout program, vector editor, batchconverter and web editor with many functions. It is available as 32/64 bit application. The imaging functions fully supports Lab, CMYK, 16 bit per channel, ICC profiles and raw data of digital cameras. It offers all tools you need: Painting, cloning, filtering, blending and flood fill, special effects like squirl, shadow, glowing, distorb, morphing, 3d projection. Working layers, clipping layers, dynamic layer effects. EXIF digital camera data and IPTC data are supported. Multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filters and much more. support for many picture formats. The image browser shows your image folders, you can copy, add/remove folders, show image information, ... Create empty sheets of paper, place your images, text, vector graphics on it. Great text functions like text flow along vector graphics, around or inside layers and from one page to another. Poster and Label printing. Save and read your PDF-files with PhotoLine. Create your vector graphics, add, remove, move vector points. Convert lines to beziers, fill with pattern, ... PhotoLine has an action recorder. You can record your jobs and use the batch converter to do this jobs on all images of a folder. Do all your work for the web with PhotoLine. Transparent and animated GIFs, animatimations, JPEG2000, HD-Photo, Flash format (swf). Create animated buttons, image maps, html overviews, ...
    32/64 bit application
    Image Processing
    * 16 bit per channel, support of CMYK and Lab
    * Color management with ICC profiles
    * Lossless imaging
    * Process digital photos
    * Retouch, correct, ...
    * IPTC and EXIF data handling
    * Rotate images lossless
    * Rename images and create catalogues
    * Create HTML galleries
    * Add and edit keywords
    * Powerful search capabilities
    * "Real" PDF Import and Export (not just a big image)
    * Multipage documents
    * Calendar and barcode creation
    * Rich text functions
    * Create Flash and GIF animations
    * Web Export
    * Tile images, create buttons and image maps
    Many more
    * Batch conversion
    * Create slideshows
    * Record actions
    * Print multipage documents, flyers and labels
    * USB-Stick support
    * Multiprocessor support

    Focus Photoeditor Portable
    Focus Photoeditor Portable | 13.05 Mb
    Focus Photoeditor is a powerful image and Photo editor, picture retouching tool, web album creator, image browser and Photoshop Filters Host Application for Windows. Besides its excellent ability to correct digital Photos, it has many rich tools and effects found in much more expensive professional tools. And there are also many tools you can hardly find elsewhere, such as Quick Fix Wizard, Effective and Intelligent Automatic Corrections, Smart Color Replacement and extras like a web-album builder, a batch processor and support for photoshop plugins..
    Expand your Creativity, improve your digital photos, create artwork, produce pictures for the web, print your own Cd and MusicCassette covers, prepare logos, paint with the mouse and create professional looking graphics. Focus is the easy-to-use image editor for anyone. Focus Photoeditor is a feature rich graphics and photo editing solution for Painting and Retouching as well as Image Processing. It offers customizable brushes, more than 30 Filters/Effects/Deformations, gradients patterns, painting, magic wand and many other standard and advanced features. Focus Photoeditor also supports layers and offers a light studio to apply effects like Elliptic Hotspot, Supernova and others.
    Key features:
    Graphics Formats: All common picture file formats and many others (a total of 30) are supported:
    · Loads: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, ICO, CUR, JPEG2000
    · Saves: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, ICO
    · Preserves EXIF and IPTC informations when saving to jpg
    · Easily Navigate through files with the image browser and with projecs previews
    · Acquires from scanner
    · Opens multiple pictures without affecting memory usage
    · Automatic corrections
    · Quick Fix
    · Auto Contrast
    · Auto Stretch
    · Auto Colors (automatic color cast detection)
    · Auto Sharpen
    · Smart Flash
    · Reduce Hilights
    · Clarify
    · Natural Skin and Green tones
    · Auto Rotate Scanned document
    · Remove Noise and Jpeg artifacts
    · Quick Fix Wizard
    · Manual Exposure Correction
    · Gamma & Levels
    · Histogram Stretch
    · Brightness & Contrast
    · Unlinear Contrast
    · Shadows-Midtones-Hilights
    · RGB Curves
    · Manual Color Correction
    · RGB and CMY Color Balance
    · Saturation
    · HLS and HVS
    · Color Temperature
    · Calibrate Colors (Color Cast)
    · Color Replacement
    · Histogram of picture
    · Transformations: Rotate, Flip, Wave, Skew, Whirlpool, Add Borders, 3D Bevel, Drop Shadow
    · Batch Processing
    · More than 50 Built-in Filters
    · Photoshop Plugins support
    · Layers Create complex graphics projects using blend modes
    · Create Selections: many selection tools provided such as: lasso, polygon, magic wand, pencil, all geometric selections: rectangle, ellipse, etc..
    · Edit and Paint precisely
    · Retouch: change brightness, saturation, contrast, blur and sharpen locally, etc..
    · Objects Factory: create objects and then layers just copying and pasting text from your word processor.
    · Object Stamp tool
    · Deformer tool
    · Uses Color, Textures, Retouch with all the tools
    · Gradients
    · Prints precisely
    · Web Albums

    Artweaver 1.1 ML Portable
    Artweaver 1.1 ML Portable | 9.09 Mb
    Evet yanliş duymadiniz Photoshop ve Corel Painter bir arada ve sadece 9 mb. Mutlaka deneyin...
    Artweaver sayesinde ne Photoshop'un ne de Corel Painterin eksikligini hissedeceksiniz. Bu programda her iki programin da özellikleri mevcut. Crack vs. gerekirmez. Tam sürümdür.
    Artweaver, ücretsiz, kullanimi kolay bir resim düzenleme uygulamasidir. Karakalem, renkli kalem, guaj, yagli ve akrilik ... gibi boya firçalarinin kullanabilirsiniz. Yazi tipleri, kesme, kopyalama, doldurma gibi araçlari da içeriyor.
    Support of many different digital brushes e.g. chalk, charcoal, pencils...
    Standard image editing tools like gradient, crop, fill and selection tools.
    A wide variety of adjustment settings to customize the default brushes or to create new brushes. Standard image editing tools like gradient, crop, fill and selection tools. Support for the most common file formats like AWD (Artweaver), BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, TGA, TIFF, PNG, and PSD (no layer support). Transparency and Layers support. Effect filters like sharpen, blur, emboss and mosaic. Editable text layers. Pen Tablet support for a realistic feeling. History function to und/redo last editing steps. Expandable by Plug-In modules (Artweaver Standard). Support for many languages through language files.
    PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.2.1 Portable
    PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.2.1 Portable | 11 MB
    PhotoFiltre Studio is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives PhotoFiltre Studio a robust look. PhotoFiltre Studio also has layer manager (with Alpha channel), advanced brushes, nozzles (or tubes), red eye corrector, batch module and lot of other powerful tools.
    Portable Inpaint v2.2
    Inpaint reconstructs the selected image area from the pixel near the area boundary. Inpaint may be used to remove undesirable objects from still images.
    Delete any unwanted object from your photo, such as extra power-line, people, text... The program will automatically inpaint the selected area to erase it.
    If some unexpected object spoils an otherwise good photograph, Inpaint may be used to remove it. Simply select the object. No need for fiddly messing about with the clone tool!
    It is alarmingly simple to use. Draw a selection around the object you wish to remove from the picture, and run smart remove selection. Inpaint will fill the selection area with intelligently generated texture drawn from the surrounding image data. really magic function you should try it!
    Inpaint is called "the most promising in its class" by 3d2f.com editors.
    In some cases you need to correct area boundary which used in inpainting (rectangular area around selection, with resize handles), you need to exlude from this area part which you think is don't take part in image restoration. To do this hold down the SHIFT key and using the mouse try to resize or move it.

    madacita - 12-26-2009 19:45
    Google Picasa 3.60 Build 95.18 Portable
    Google Picasa 3.60 Build 95.18 Portable | 9.59 Mb
    Portable Picasa Find, organise and share your photos. Picasa is software that makes it easy and fun to view, organise, edit and share the digital photos on your PC. Picasa will not delete your pictures or put them online without your permission.
    Picasa automatically finds and organizes all of your pictures including: jpeg, tiff, bmp, psd, and standard camera movie files. Sending pictures with e-mail used to mean five steps just to get it right. Picasa lets you pick the size and then automatically attaches your pictures. Browse through all your pictures and view slideshows of your albums with the click of a button. Enhance, fix red-eye, and even crop without losing data or permanently changing your original picture. Take your photos further with Picasa from Google.
    Picasa is free photo management software from Google that helps you find, edit and share your pictures in seconds. We recommend that you print out this brief overview of Picasa's main features and consult it as you use the programme for the first time to learn about new features quickly.
    Picasa helps you find and organise all your pictures: you start Picasa, it scans your hard drive to find and automatically organise all your pictures. Picasa finds the following image and movie file types:
    * Image file types: JPG, GIF, TIF, PSD, PNG, BMP, RAW (including NEF and CRW). GIF and PNG files are not scanned by default, but you can enable them in the options dialogue.
    * Film file types: MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV, and MOV.
    Picasa features:
    * Organise - Picasa instantly locates and organises all the pictures on your computer.
    * Edit - Turn a grey sky into a picture-perfect day.
    * Share - The hardest part of sharing your pictures is choosing your favourites.
    * Prints & Products - Print beautiful pictures at home with more custom sizes or order prints, gifts and books from your favourite online companies.
    * Backup - Do not lose your digital memories. Safely back up your photos with Picasa 2.
    * Create - Enjoy your pictures in fun, creative ways it is what photography is all about!

    AVS Photo Editor Portable
    AVS Photo Editor Portable | 18.78MB
    Improve your photos - adjust size, zoom, change and improve colors, sharpen objects shapes. Apply pre-made effects. Make your photos look perfect.
    Edit Photos
    Resize, rotate, crop pictures without quality loss. Play with colors, shades and tints to completely change pictures style
    Fix Photos
    Remove red eye effect in the pictures. Adjust color balance, brightness, contrast and saturation.
    Reduce Image Noises
    Use the Deblur feature to sharpen or soften object shapes.
    NEW!Microsoft Windows 7 Support
    AVS Photo Editor is compatible with the latest version of Microsoft Windows.
    Apply Effects
    Apply premade templates to make your pictures look like old faded photographs. Or decide for ascetic monochrome and get black-and-white pics.
    Remove Minor Defects
    Use such tools as Retouch to improve local tiny imperfections in pictures.
    Work with Various Formats
    Open and easily edit such formats as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc. See a full list of supported formats here
    Multilingual Support
    AVS Photo Editor interface and tech-support are available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

    Ulead PhotoImpact 12 - Portable
    Ulead PhotoImpact 12 - Portable | 86,0 Mb
    Ulead PhotoImpact 12 is a complete image-editing suite. Choose powerful yet easy-to-use tools and share in your photos, greeting cards, labels, calendars, prints, e-mail. ExpressFix mode is perfect for beginners to get started fast. One-click fixes and enhancements make it great for anyone. Powerful, high-end image editing new Auto White Balance Control makes colors look natural.
    Enhanced RAW file & 16-bit image support. Features complete Creative Suite for greeting cards and CD & DVD labels design, advanced painting, drawing, cloning, and retouching tools, exciting 2D & 3D text and graphics, and dozens of professional filters. Web, DVD,and Video Graphics Create tailor-made DVD menu buttons, Web and video objects. DVD Menu Maker Plug-in lets you make custom DVD menus.

    PicPick Tools 2.1.5 Portable
    PicPick is an all-in-one software for software developers, graphic designers and home user. It has an intuitive interface and simple, elegant operation. After starting the software, you simply select one of the tool from the PicPick Tools trayicon menu when you want. It features a powerful capture tool, image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair, whiteboard and etc.
    - Full Screen (Support for Dual Monitors)
    - Active Window
    - Window Control (Scroll a page automatically)
    - Region, Fixed Region
    - FreeHand
    - Repeat Last Capture
    Image Editor
    - It's very similar to Microsoft Paint, but you can do more.
    - It provides an effect like selection opacity, blur, sharpen, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, flip, rotate and etc.
    Color Picker
    Color Palette
    Pixel Ruler
    Screen Protractor
    Screen Whiteboard

    madacita - 12-28-2009 12:43
    KigoSoft Frame Photo Editor 5.0.1 Portable
    KigoSoft Frame Photo Editor 5.0.1 Portable | 13.27 Mb
    Photo editor to blend photos together, decorate pictures with frame, text, clips
    Frame photo editor is a photo editor that would let you do the work YOUR way, but do it all for you.
    With Frame Photo Editor, you can easily enhance your photo effects by blending your digital photos onto another image. The photo will be masked as special effect which you can select from a lot of masks that Frame Photo Editor provides.You can also easily add cool frame, pretty flowers and cartoon clips onto your pictures.
    And you can insert text into pictures with speech frame. It makes your photo more interesting and attractive. You can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them. You can even rotate the mask or the photo just with your mouse moving. After having edited pictures with Frame Photo Editor, you can print them, email them, or set as your Desktop Wallpaper.
    Key features included:
    1) Hundreds of masks for you to choose, which create special effect on your photo
    2) Many kinds of clips onto your photo
    3) Add text comments onto your photo
    4) Add frames onto your photo
    5) Save and restore photo

    AMS Software Photo Collage Maker 2.35 Portable
    AMS Software Photo Collage Maker 2.35 Portable | 8.85 MB
    Make great photo collages quickly and easily!
    Photo Collage Maker is digital scrapbooking and photo collage software. It allows you to create and print scrapbook layouts quickly and easily. Automate your work with compositions, enhance photos with effects, spice up your creation with borders, frames, backgrounds and clipart.
    When you are finished with your work you can save it as digital file (jpg, gif, tiff, etc.). And each masterpiece can printed over and over again. Photo Collage Maker makes it possible to arrange your favorite photos on a digital canvas without actually having to cut up real photo prints and glue them to poster board.
    Cool Edges & Shapes: Stamp out your images into a variety of creative shapes.
    Clip art, everywhere:: A lot of clip art images are included to spice up any project. Photos and clip art can be rotated, resized, and placed anywhere on your collage board.
    Love those layers: Powerful layering technology enables you to add and arrange photos in your collage any way you want. Position, resize and rotate pictures with simple a click and drag. You can also change opacity of the layers, add shadow and halo effect.
    Amazing Perspective: Use unique Perspective function to create amazing effects.
    Author, Author: Insert your own funny slang words, catch phrases or personal sentiments. You choose the font, color, size and location.
    Awesome photo effects: Dozens of unique photo effects are included - ancient photo, spray, noise, posterize, emboss...
    Save it now, change it later: Save your creation as any of the standard image formats including jpg, bmp, and tif. Save your collage as a "project" file so it’s completely editable the next time you open it.
    Make beautiful prints: Print your masterpiece using special print dialog.

    madacita - 01-05-2010 21:34
    DreamLight Photo Editor 3.8 Portable
    DreamLight Photo Editor is an image editing software to add many dream effects onto your digital photos. With DreamLight Photo Editor, just by mouse-clicking, you can add many wonderful effects, such as Preset filter, Light filter, Star filter, Amazing filter, Dream filter, Weather filter, Gradient filter, Color filter, Art filter, Texture filter, and Edge filter, all including multiple effects. There are 150 single special effects in total for you to choose from.As long as you have some degree of artistic talent, it's possible to give your digital photos a creative new look by applying effects to them. DreamLight Photo Editor is a program dedicated to helping you do just that, and adding special effects is as easy as opening a photo, then viewing the preview of an effect before selecting it to apply it to your image.
    With DreamLight Photo Editor, just by simple mouse clicking, you can add dream effects:
    · Preset filter (10 effects)
    · Pencil drawing filter (10 effects)
    · Light filter (10 effects)
    · Amazing filter (10 effects)
    · Dream filter (10 effects)
    · Weather filter (10 effects)
    · Star filter (10 effects)
    · Art filter (8 effects)
    · Gradient filter (10 effects)
    · Color filter (10 effects)
    · Texture filter (10 effects)
    · Edge filter (20 effects)

    madacita - 01-25-2010 17:29
    Portable Turbo Photo 6.7
    Portable Turbo Photo 6.7 | 8 Mb
    Portable Turbo Photo 6.7Turbo Photo is a powerful darkroom software helps users to improve their digital photos. In Turbo Photo, the full control of exposure, color, quality and the problem oriented user interface make it easy for everyone to get wonderful photo artworks. Moreover, the most flexible functions will bring you surprise, enjoyment and fun.
    In Turbo Photo Editor, the functions are classified in 5 groups from photography aspect: transform, exposure, color, enhancement and frame&signature. The what's wrong wizard will lead you to the corresponding function quickly and visually. Besides the traditional functions and features you can image, Turbo Photo provides its own unique and magic functions like tone maker, smart erase, noise reduction, defog, HSB curve and many more..
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