The Beatles Remastered Collection [Retail][2009]
wicek13 - 01-15-2010 20:18
14 albumów The Beatles zremasterowanych cyfrowo.
W tym 4 po raz pierwszy w wersji stereo!The Beatles-A Hard Days Night-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Abbey Road-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Beatles For Sale-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Help-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Let It Be-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Magical Mystery Tour-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Past Masters-(Remastered)-2CD-2009
The Beatles-Please Please Me-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Revolver-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Rubber Soul-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-The Beatles (The White Album)-(Remastered)-2CD-2009
The Beatles-With The Beatles-(Remastered)-2009
The Beatles-Yellow Submarine-(Remastered)-2009
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 3
Duration : 3mn 5s
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 200 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 44.1 KHz
Resolution : 16 bits
Writing library : LAME3.97
Encoding settings : -m j -V 2 -q 3 -lowpass 18.6 --vbr-new -b 32
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wicek13 - 03-08-2010 13:49
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