menu      Mary i Max / Mary and Max (2009)
menu      Scooby-Doo i miecz samuraja / Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword (2009)
menu      [RS] Golec Uorkiestra - Golec Uorkiestra 5 (2009)
menu      Coco Chanel / Coco Avant Chanel (2009)
menu      Feel - Feel 2 - 2009
menu      Hydra / Hydra (2009)
menu      Bruno / Brüno (2009)
menu      Sobota - Sobotaż (2009)
menu      Kocham Cię, Beth Cooper / I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009)
menu      [AVI] The Weather Man / Prognoza na ?ycie (2005)
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  • Zone Alarm Pro 2009 v8

    Ari911™ - 02-20-2009 13:42

    Zone Alarm Pro 2009 v8.0.02 | 27 Mb

    Protection from unauthorized inbound and outbound communications. Unlike many firewall products, ZoneAlarm products protect your PC from unauthorized inbound and outbound communications. When a hacker tries to access your PC, that's an unauthorized inbound communication. ZAP Proactively protects against inbound, outbound, and program attacks while making you invisible to hackers, Kill Controls – instantly disable malicious programs.

    Award-winning anti-spyware automatically prevents, blocks, and removes spyware. Spy Site Blocking – prevents accidental visits and malicious communication with spyware sites, Uniquely combines offline ID protection services with online PC-based technologies to stop thieves from stealing your identity, Keeps YOU in Control of your computer. Guards your operating system from rootkits and other attacks while also providing full protection. Integrates multiple layers of advanced protection for additional security, Wireless PC Protection - automatically detects wireless networks and secures your PC from hackers' threats wherever you're connected - at home or on the road.
    Privacy Protection - manages and blocks pop-up ads, online profiling, cookies, and cache. SmartDefense Service – provides real-time security updates, quick response to breaking threats, and leverages threat data from the vast community of users to protect your PC from the latest attacks. ZoneAlarm's intrusion blocking systematically identifies hackers and blocks their access attempts. Stealth Mode automatically makes your computer invisible to anyone on the Internet and with Millions of Programs Pre-Set – automatically configures security settings for millions of programs.


    -Includes the world's #1 Firewall from the people who invented it
    ZoneAlarm pioneered the personal computer firewall used by over 60 million people worldwide, and our parent company, Check Point Software, invented the enterprise firewall used by every member of the Fortune 100. We know how to keep the bad guys out.
    -Total Identity Theft Protection
    Only ZoneAlarm combines offline identity protection services with online technologies to stop thieves from stealing your identity.
    -Award-winning Anti-Spyware
    ZAP aggressively blocks and removes spyware, including 'adware' that other products ignore.
    -Keeps YOU In Control of Your Computer
    Rootkits and operating system attacks can by-pass other defenses and take control of your computer. Our leading Root & Boot Protection shields you during startup and beyond to stop these attacks.
    -Fast, Safe, and Easy to use
    for novices with our new One-Click Fix It interface, yet powerful and customizable for more advanced users.
    -Fully Compatible with Windows Vista and XP
    -Root & Boot Protection
    -Total ID Theft Protection
    -Award-winning Anti-Spyware .:_._:. RAPIDSHARE AND EASY-SHARE

    ZimnaFuzja - 05-28-2009 16:57
    ZoneAlarm Pro 8.0.298 FULL


    ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall to rozbudowana wersja popularnego programu służącego do zabezpieczania komputera przed włamaniami z sieci oraz łączenia się z nią przez niepowołane do tego programy. Tak jak w przypadku prostszej wersji program umożliwia skuteczne blokowanie prób dostępu do komputera z zewnątrz, a także pracę w trybie Stealth Mode, który sprawia, że komputer jest niewidoczny dla innych użytkowników sieci. Wersja Pro umożliwia dodatkowo blokowanie podejrzanych e-maili, wyskakujących okienek reklamowych (pop-up'ów), ciasteczek (cookies) śledzących aktywność użytkownika, a także chroni przed naruszeniami prywatności. W wersji Pro umożliwia także automatyczną konfigurację co ułatwia pracę z programem.


    polhiger - 07-18-2009 12:48
    ZoneAlarm Pro






    yarecky - 08-26-2009 19:44
    ZoneAlarm Pro 8.0.400.020 33182kb

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