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  • The Goalkeeper

    Shift - 07-24-2007 09:34


    Opis niestety w j.Angielskim

    Ever wanted to take the role of a great goalkeeper?
    Now with The Goalkeeper game you can!

    Create your own goalkeeper, choosing between Handling,
    Reflexes, Jumping and Charisma skill. Then select your
    starting team from 6 different leagues: England, Italy,
    Spain, France, Germany and Netherland.

    The game features the Training Screen, where you can train
    yourself to increase your skills and your chances to do well
    in the next match. Then there's the Statistics Screen, where
    you can take a look at every possible stats you want! Lastly,
    the Contract/Coach Talk Screen will let you choose your
    attitude towards the team, if you want to stay there or move,
    and also talk to your coach to convince him to make you play
    the next match (in case he don't think that way!).
    The match itself show stats for each player of both teams,
    like goals, injuries, substitutions, etc. The commentary
    describe what's going on!


    Use keymaker to register and enjoy it!


    Davyd001 - 07-20-2008 17:17
    jeśli ktoś tu zajrzy... da ktoś re-up????

    murzyn37 - 07-20-2008 17:37
    The Goalkeeper

    jest to gra w kt?rej wcielamy się w bramkarza odpowiadamy za treningi interwencje karierę itp.

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