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  • Sirenia - The 13th Floor

    jachu - 02-14-2009 19:39
    Sirenia - The 13th Floor
    1. The Path To Decay
    2. Lost In Life
    3. The Mind Maelstrom
    4. The Seventh Summer
    5. Beyond Life's Scenery
    6. The Lucid Door
    7. Led Astray
    8. Winterborn 77
    9. Sirens Of The Seven Seas


    gizmo901 - 07-30-2009 21:01
    Sirenia - The 13th Floor.Ltd Ed (2009)

    320 Kb/s
    Norwegian gothic metal, metal symfoniczny

    01. http://chomikuj.pl/gizmo901/Muzyka/Rock+*2c+Metal/Sirenia+-+The+13th+Floor+Ltd+Ed+(2009).part1.rar
    02. http://chomikuj.pl/gizmo901/Muzyka/Rock+*2c+Metal/Sirenia+-+The+13th+Floor+Ltd+Ed+(2009).part2.rar
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