menu      The Settlers II: 10th Anniversary / Dziesięciolecie (2006) (PL)
menu      The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom / Droga Do Królestwa (2010)
menu      Szukam The Settlers: Wschodnie Królestwa (PC)
menu      Settlers 5 Dziedzictwo Krolow PL
menu      The Settlers 6: Rise Of An Empire (2007)
menu      The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom (2010)
menu      The Settlers 2: The Next Generation - The Vikings
menu      [RS] Hela.w.Opalach.TVRip - wszystkie sezony
menu      Jadowita cisza / Silent Venom (2009)
menu      [RS] EPT - European Poker Tour - Season 6 (dsr.xvid-zalrd)
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  • Settlers I

    Chrypek - 05-04-2007 22:40
    [center:99a857bc66]Settlers I PL



    1 - Start 11 - CHOPPER 21 - PASTURE
    2 - STATION 12 - GATE 22 - OMNUS
    3 - UNITY 13 - ISLAND 23 - TRIBUTE
    4 - WAVE 14 - LEGION 24 - FOUNTAIN
    5 - EXPORT 15 - PIECE 25 - CHUDE
    6 - OPTION 16 - RIVAL 26 - TRAILER
    7 - RECORD 17 - SAVAGE 27 - CANYON
    8 - SCALE 18 - XAVIER 28 - REPRESS
    9 - SIGN 19 - BLADE 29 - YOKI
    10 - ACORN 20 - BEACON 30 - PASSIVE

    http://rapidshare.com/files/17878119/The_Settlers_1_PL.rar [/center:99a857bc66]

    wsz?doszyce - 07-01-2007 09:53
    Moje linki

    http://rapidshare.com/files/39809048/Settlers.part2.rar has?o

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