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  • [RS] The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

    blaurock - 05-14-2008 19:25
    The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian OST - Harry Gregson-Williams 2008
    1. "Prince Caspian Flees
    2. ”The Kings and Queens of Old Score”
    3. "Journey to the How”
    4. "Arrival at Aslan’s How”
    5. "Raid on the Castle”
    6. "Miraz Crowned”
    7. "Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance”
    8. "The Duel”
    9. "The Armies Assemble”
    10. "Battle at Aslan’s How”
    11. ”Return of the Lion”
    12. "The Door In the Air”
    13. "The Call”
    14. "A Dance ‘Round the Memory Tree"
    15. "This Is Home”
    16. "Lucy”


    Hasło: blaurock

    maliu - 06-11-2008 10:13

    Time: 75:10
    Album: The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian (OST)
    Genre: Soundtrack
    Label: Walt Disney
    Source: CDDA
    Size: 100,4 MB
    Quality: VBRkbps

    Track Listing:

    1. “Prince Caspian Flees
    2. ”The Kings and Queens of Old Score”
    3. “Journey to the How”
    4. “Arrival at Aslan’s How”
    5. “Raid on the Castle”
    6. “Miraz Crowned”
    7. “Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance”
    8. “The Duel”
    9. “The Armies Assemble”
    10. “Battle at Aslan’s How”
    11. ”Return of the Lion”
    12. “The Door In the Air”
    13. “The Call”
    14. “A Dance ‘Round the Memory Tree”
    15. “This Is Home”
    16. “Lucy”



    Aspiryna23 - 01-23-2009 02:49
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