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  • [RS] Evanescence - The Open Door

    imported_Daniel - 03-06-2007 09:37
    [center:4765ffe7cb]http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/7...pendoorim7.jpg [/center:4765ffe7cb]
    1 . Sweet Sacrifice
    2 . Call Me When You're Sober
    3 . Weight of the World
    4 . Lithium
    5 . Cloud Nine
    6 . Snow White Queen
    7 . Lacrymosa
    8 . Like You
    9 . Lose Control
    10 . The Only One
    11 . Your Star
    12 . All That I'm Living For
    13 . Good Enough

    Link niżej.

    morte_ - 03-12-2007 15:48
    Inny link :

    Link niżej.

    carloos - 03-17-2007 08:32
    Evenescenece - The open door


    1 . Sweet Sacrifice
    2 . Call Me When You're Sober
    3 . Weight of the World
    4 . Lithium
    5 . Cloud Nine
    6 . Snow White Queen
    7 . Lacrymosa
    8 . Like You
    9 . Lose Control
    10 . The Only One
    11 . Your Star
    12 . All That I'm Living For
    13 . Good Enough

    Link niżej.

    Has?o: www.whf.pl

    micky krovo - 04-06-2008 00:42
    01 - Sweet Sacrifice
    02 - Call Me When You're Sober
    03 - Weight of the World
    04 - Lithium
    05 - Cloud Nine
    06 - Snow White Queen
    07 - Lacrymosa
    08 - Like You
    09 - Lose Control
    10 - The Only One
    11 - Your Star
    12 - All That I'm Living For
    13 - Good Enough

    Działający link; http://rapidshare.com/files/105186444/Evanescence-The_Open_Door.rar_upload_by_micky_krovo :D

    maliu - 05-31-2008 18:01
    Evanescence - In The Shadows 2007



    Nieoficjalny album grupy Evanescence, zawierający oprócz kilku znanych utworów także dema z lat 1997, 1998, 2001 i 2002 i nagrania odrzucone z singli, wersje akustyczne (My Immortal grany na setki sposobów, tym razem w wersji wokal plus git. akustyczna) i mało znane nagrania zespołu.


    01 - Away From Me.mp3
    02 - Bleed.mp3
    03 - Anything For You.mp3
    04 - Forever You.mp3
    05 - Before the Dawn.mp3
    06 - Surrender.mp3
    07 - It Was All a Lie.mp3
    08 - Breath No More.mp3
    09 - Exodus.mp3
    10 - October.mp3
    11 - Goodnite.mp3
    12 - My Immortal Acoustic (Bonus Track).mp3


    Aspiryna23 - 12-02-2008 04:55


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