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  • Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight [2007]

    kempes84 - 03-15-2007 11:42
    ************************************************** ******
    Linkin Park - Minutes To Midnight (Advance)
    ************************************************** ******


    General Information

    Artist...............: Linkin Park
    Album................: Minutes To Midnight
    Year.................: 2007
    Comment..............: Warner Bros. Records
    Type.................: Studio
    Duration.............: 69.00 mins
    Number of Songs......: 20

    Audio Format.........: MP3
    Ripper...............: dbpowerAMP Music Converter
    Encoder..............: LAME
    Bitrate..............: 192 kBit/s
    Hz...................: 44,100
    Channels.............: Stereo

    Release Notes
    Track Listing:

    01 Stand (not a complete song - 14secs of crap)
    02 Bleed It Out
    03 Get Through
    04 What I've Done
    05 In This World
    06 The Little Things You Give Away
    07 Hold Nothing Back
    08 Over The Top
    09 Promisse
    10 Real Life
    11 Afraid This Time
    12 2 Worlds
    13 Until The End
    14 Collapsing The Unit
    15 We Use The Pain
    16 One Perfect Something
    17 No Way (Bom=nus Track)
    18 Feel (demo '01) (Bonus Track)
    19 Screaming At Space (Bonus Track)
    20 [Qwerty} (Live Somer Sonic '06(Bonus Track)

    1: http://www.oxedion.com/index.php/download/15c9177d7074cb8b90ac07578689e3ca
    2: http://www.oxedion.com/index.php/download/1eb4c9c1aecc9a756032af44fbf15970 pass: mp3.oferujemy.info

    jakisneo - 03-28-2007 09:37

    Tracklist :
    1. Stand
    2. Bleed It Out
    3. Get Through
    4. What I've Done
    5. In This World
    6. The Little Things Give You Away
    7. Hold Nothing Back
    8. Over The Top
    9. Prommise
    10. Real Life
    11. Afraid This Time
    12. 2.World
    13. Until The End
    14. Collapsing The Unit
    15. We Use the Pain
    16. One Perfect Something

    + Bonus Tracks
    17. No Way!
    18. Feel (demo'01)
    19. Screaming at Space
    20. [Qwerty] (Live Sommer Sonic '06)

    Jakość: 160kB/s
    Rozmiar: 80MB


    tasior1233 - 04-21-2007 11:33
    Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight [2007]
    http://rapidshare.com/files/27110826/Linkin_Park_-_Minutes_to_Midnight__2007_.zip.001 http://rapidshare.com/files/27112446/Linkin_Park_-_Minutes_to_Midnight__2007_.zip.002 haslo:lol

    work20 - 05-01-2007 17:54
    czym to rozpakowac jakim programem

    chriss - 05-03-2007 09:51
    Jak tak bardzo chcesz to programem hj split zlanczas te dwa pliki a potem winzipem wypakowujesz,a le to jest jeden wielki FAKE


    matkzys - 05-04-2007 12:57
    Linkin Park - Minutes To Midnight (2007)

    [img] http://www.mediaportal.ru/uploads/po...156_lp2007.jpg [/img]

    to nie jest fake naprawde polecam ściąganie

    1. Wake
    2. Given Up
    3. Leave Out All The Rest
    4. Bleed It Out
    5. Shadow Of The Day
    6. What I've Done
    7. Hands Held High
    8. No More Sorrow
    9. Valentine's Day
    10. In Between
    11. In Pieces
    12. The Little Things Give You Away

    waga: 70 mb
    bitrate: 224 kbps
    format: mp3
    gatunek: rock / numetal
    kraj pochodzenia: USA
    producent albumu: RICK RUBIN
    jest to mój upload na koncie premium więc nie ma obawy że album zostanie usunięty

    jedna z piosenek z albumu,można łatwo sprawdzić że to nie fake
    http://rapidshare.com/files/29422374/02_-_Given_Up.mp3 link do albumu

    matkzys - 05-04-2007 12:58
    Linkin Park - Minutes To Midnight (2007)


    to nie jest fake naprawde polecam ściąganie

    1. Wake
    2. Given Up
    3. Leave Out All The Rest
    4. Bleed It Out
    5. Shadow Of The Day
    6. What I've Done
    7. Hands Held High
    8. No More Sorrow
    9. Valentine's Day
    10. In Between
    11. In Pieces
    12. The Little Things Give You Away

    waga: 70 mb
    bitrate: 224 kbps
    format: mp3
    gatunek: rock / numetal
    kraj pochodzenia: USA
    producent albumu: RICK RUBIN
    jest to mój upload na koncie premium więc nie ma obawy że album zostanie usunięty

    jedna z piosenek z albumu,można łatwo sprawdzić że to nie fake
    http://rapidshare.com/files/29422374/02_-_Given_Up.mp3 link do albumu

    DeathLess - 05-06-2007 12:42

    01. Wake
    02. Given Up
    03. Leave Out All The Rest
    04. Bleed It Out
    05. Shadow Of The Day
    06. What I've Done
    07. Hands Held High
    08. No More Sorrow
    09. Valentine's Day
    10. In Between
    11. In Pieces
    12. The Little Things Give You Away

    http://rapidshare.com/files/29780570/Linkin_Park_-_Minutes_to_Midnight-2007.rar P.S. To nie FAKE !! To jest w 100%'entach prawdziwa plyta LP - M2M. Zapraszam do zasysania.

    SDD - 05-08-2007 07:22
    Linkin Park - Minutes To Midnight (2007)


    1. Wake
    2. Given Up
    3. Leave Out All The Rest
    4. Bleed It Out
    5. Shadow Of The Day
    6. What I've Done
    7. Hands Held High
    8. No More Sorrow
    9. Valentine's Day
    10. In Between
    11. In Pieces
    12. The Little Things Give You Away

    waga: 70 mb
    bitrate: 224 kbps
    format: mp3
    gatunek: rock / numetal
    kraj pochodzenia: USA
    producent albumu: RICK RUBIN


    Ronnie - 05-08-2007 21:22
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