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  • ...::: KODY DO TELEFONÓW GSM :::...

    Wacik - 02-18-2007 15:46
    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: * # 0 6 #
    Monitor Sieci: 0 0 0 0 0 0 *

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    J?zyk domy?lny: * # 0 0 0 0 #
    Monitor Sieci: * # 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 * 8 3 7 8 #

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: * # 9 9 9 9 #
    Numer seryjny karty SIM: * # 9 9 9 4 #
    Informacja o stanie bateri: * # 9 9 9 0 #
    Selftest (tylko dla Dancall HP2731): * # 9 9 9 7 #
    Wersja konfiguracji: * # 9 9 9 8 #
    Monitor Sieci: * # 9 9 9 3 #

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: > *
    J?zyk domy?lny:
    Wej?cie do MENU telefonu bez karty SIM: po komunikacie Wrong PIN wcisnac NO i wpisa?:
    * * 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 #
    Informacja na temat SIMLOCK'a:

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: # # 9 1 4 0 * 8 3 # 7 5 * 2 #

    Numer IMEI: > * # 06 # View IMEI
    Je?yk domyslny Angielski: * # 0044 # English
    Je?yk domyslny Niemiecki: * # 0049 # Deutsch
    Aktywacja NetMonitor1: Trzymajac * wpisz 4329
    Aktywacja NetMonitor2: Trzymajac * wpisz 621342
    Wejscie w M4 Test mode: Trzymajac * wpisz 5472
    Pokazuje wersje SW: Trzymajac * wpisz 5806
    Pokazuje wersje sprzetu: Trzymajac * wpisz 5807
    Pokazuje wersje SW i HW: Trzymajac * wpisz 936505
    Menu zak?adania kodu NS: Trzymajac * wpisz 476989
    Menu zak?adania kodu CP: Trzymajac * wpisz 482896
    Menu zak?adania kodu NS: Trzymajac * wpisz 574243
    Menu zak?adania kodu SP: Trzymajac * wpisz 967678
    Menu zak?adania kodu IMSI: Trzymajac * wpisz 362628
    Menu zak?adania kodu poziomu NET: Trzymajac * wpisz 787090
    Menu zak?adania kodu poziomu SP: Trzymajac * wpisz 787292
    Wy??czenie: Trzymajac * wpisz 3926

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6#
    W??czenie Monitora Sieci: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]
    Wy??czenie Monitora Sieci: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]
    * - trzymaj dopóki nie poka?e si? kwadracik

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: * # 0 0 0 0 # lub * # 9 9 9 9 #
    Informacja o simlock'u: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
    Wy??czenie EFR: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
    Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
    Status locka operatora: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 1
    Status locka sieci: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 2
    Status locka operatora: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 3
    Status locka karty SIM: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 4
    1234567890 - MasterCode generowany na podstawie IMEI

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Informacja o simlock'u: * # 8 3 7 7 #
    Kod u?ytkownika: * # 1 2 3 4 # (Fizz) or * # 7 4 8 9 #

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: * # 9 9 9 9 # albo * # 0 8 3 7 #
    Monitor Sieci: * # 0 3 2 4 #
    Zmiana kontrastu wy?wietlacza LCD: * # 0 5 2 3 #
    Informacja o pami?ci: * # 0 3 7 7 # albo * # 0 2 4 6 #
    Reset pami?ci (usuwa simlock'a): * 2 7 6 7 * 3 8 5 5 #
    Reset pami?ci u?ytkownika: * 2 7 6 7 * 2 8 7 8 #
    Status bateri: * # 9 9 9 8 * 2 2 8 #
    Alarm: * # 9 9 9 8 * 2 8 9 #
    Test wibry: * # 9 9 9 8 * 8 4 2 #

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Dost?p do Menu serwisowego: MENU 5 1 1 #

    Numer IMEI: * # 0 6 #
    Wersja oprogramowania: (wpisz bez karty SIM): * # 0 6 # (naci?nij LONG KEY)
    Bonusowy screen: w ksi??ce telefonicznej wpisz: + 1 2 0 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1
    Monitor Sieci (S4 Power): Menu 9 8, lewy SoftKey, 7 6 8 4 6 6 6, Przycisk z czerwonym telefonem, Menu 5 6

    Numer IMEI: *#06#
    Wersja oprogramowania: *#8377466#
    Pokazuje list? nazwisk twórców telefonu: musisz wpisac jako rekord w swojej ksi??ce telefonicznej pod nazw? "own phone no." + 1 2 0 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1

    Nokia 6600

    *#0000# to find out firmware version and more information.
    *#06# to find your IMEI number.
    *#7370# to format your phone. This will restore your phone to the way
    it was when you bought it. Make sure your battery is charged or
    nearly full before you do it.
    *#7780# similar to *#7370#
    *#2820# to find out the bluetooth ip address of the phone
    *#res0wallet# to erase all data stored in the wallet. lock code is required
    Green, *, 3 to format the phone, turn off and hold these keys while phone
    is rebooting. do not let go until "formatting" appears and
    make sure you have enough battery power (3/4 minimum)

    Wej?cie do menu serwisowego w tel. SONY ERICSSON T6**

    > * < < * < *

    > - ruch joysticka
    * - gwiazdka po prostu biggrin.gif

    wejscie w tryb swrwisowy w LG (w U8138 - dzia??)


    Nec e616v
    *#2820# wersja softu
    *#2634# odblokowanie apn
    *#06# - Phones IMEI ***************
    *#1110# - Subnet lock not used
    *#2220# - Network lock 2 not used
    *#4960# - USIM card lock Currently set to OFF
    *#3210# - SP lock Currently set to ON
    *#5830# - Unlocking codes (unlock what?)

    4844 4464 - constant number (these are my numbers, yours may be different)
    8444 4444 - changes after restart
    4114 4495 - changes after restart

    *#7320# - Network lock Currently set to ON
    *#8140# - Corporate lock Currently set to OFF

    ************************************************** ******

    ##06# gets the response "switch to 3g mode"
    ##2820# gets the response "switch to 3g mode"
    ##3210# "SP lock The security lock was permanently turned off"
    ##4960# "USIM card lock The security lock was permanently turned off"
    ##5830# Unlocking codes
    ##7320# "network lock The security lock was permanently turned off"
    ##8140# "corporate lock The security lock was permanently turned off"

    ************************************************** ******

    USIM card lock

    *#4960# (send) - Inquiry
    *4960*code*code# (send) - Lock
    #4960*code# (send) - Unlock
    N.B. [code] is an 8 digits number

    ************************************************** ******

    Network lock

    *#7320# (send) - Inquiry
    *7320*code*code# (send) - Lock
    #7320*code# (send) - Unlock
    N.B. [code] is an 8 digits number

    ************************************************** ******

    Network lock 2 not used

    *#2220# (send) - Inquiry
    *2220*code*code# (send) - Lock
    #2220*code# (send) - Unlock
    N.B. [code] is an 8 digits number

    ************************************************** ******

    Subnet Lock not used

    *#1110# (send) - Inquiry
    *1110*code*code# (send) - Lock
    #1110*code# (send) - Unlock
    N.B. [code] is an 8 digits number

    ************************************************** ******

    Reset to defaults
    This restores factory default options of your phone:
    *73738# (send)

    ************************************************** ******

    Software version
    shows phones software version:

    NOKIA 1610/1630:
    *#170602112302# - Wersja oprogramowania

    NOKIA 2110:
    *#9999# - Wersja oprogramowania

    NOKIA 2110i/2110e:
    *#170602112302# lub (zale?y od modelu) *#682371158412125#
    Wersja oprogramowania

    NOKIA 3110:
    *#06# - IMEI

    *#3110# - Wersja oprogramowania

    ##002# - pozwala na ca?kowite wy??czenie poczty g?osowej.

    *#7780# - przywraca ustawienia fabryczne (z pomini?ciem pami?ci, j?zyka i

    *#746025625# (czyli *#sim0clock#) - ?eby sprawdzi? czy zegar SIM-a
    (SIM-Clock) mo?na zatrzyma? (SIM-Clock-stop czyli zatrzymywanie zegara
    SIMa to rodzaj trybu czuwania, który oszcz?dza akumulator)

    *#92702689# (czyli *#war0anty#)
    -"kod gwarancyjny:"-trzeba wstuka? jeden z nast?puj?cych kodów:

    6232 (OK) - wy?wietla miesi?c i rok produkcji (np. "0198")

    7332 (OK) - wy?wietla dat? ostatniej naprawy - je?li jest (np. "DATE NOT

    7832 (OK) - wy?wietla nabycia telefonu - je?li jest (np. "DATE NOT SAVED")

    9268 (OK) - wy?wietla numer seryjny

    37832 (OK) - ustawia dat? nabycia telefonu w formacie MMRR (MM - miesi?c,
    RR - rok) - uwaga: mo?na to ustawi? tylko raz wi?c uwa?aj excl.gif

    87267 (OK) - wy?wietla tekst "Confirm Transfer?" - by? mo?e s?u?y to do
    rozszerzania wersji oprogramowania (?)

    *#31# (dzwo?)
    - czy w?asny numer b?dzi przekazywany gdy si? dzwoni? (dzia?a nie u
    ka?dego operatora)

    *#76# (dzwo?)
    - czy numer który odpowie na telefon (dok?d dzwonimy) b?dzi pokazany?
    (dzia?a nie u ka?dego operatora)

    *#77# (dzwo?)
    - czy w?asny numer b?dzi przekazywany gdy si? odbiera rozmow?? (dzia?a
    nie u ka?dego operatora)

    *#33/35# (dzwo?)
    - dostaje si? tekst "Service not active".

    **31# (dzwo?)
    - twój numer nie b?dzie przekazywany gdy ty dzwonisz!

    NOKIA 3210:


    Wersja oprogramowania

    *#92702689# (czyli *#war0anty#)
    Wej?cie do trybu serwisowego.

    W??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    Wy??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    W??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri o ok.30%

    Wy??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri

    Zamiast xx wpisz numer pozycji w ksia?ce telefonicznej-naci?ni?cie #
    spowoduje jej wy?wietlenie

    NOKIA 51XX:


    Wersja oprogramowania

    *#92702689# (czyli *#war0anty#)
    Wej?cie do trybu serwisowego.

    W??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    Wy??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    W??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri o ok.30%

    Wy??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri

    NOKIA 61XX:


    *#9999# (Nokia 6130)
    Wersja oprogramowania

    *#92702689# (czyli *#war0anty#)
    Wej?cie do trybu serwisowego.

    W??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    Wy??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    W??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri o ok.30%

    Wy??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri

    NOKIA 81XX:


    Wersja oprogramowania

    Zamiast xx wpisz numer pozycji w ksia?ce telefonicznej-naci?ni?cie #
    spowoduje jej wy?wietlenie

    *#92702689# (czyli *#war0anty#)
    -"kod gwarancyjny:"-trzeba wstuka? jeden z nast?puj?cych kodów:

    9268 (OK) - wy?wietla IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification)

    6232 (OK) - wy?wietla dat? produkcji telefonu w formacie MMRR (MM -
    miesi?c, RR - rok)

    7832 (OK) - wy?wietla dat? zakupu

    7332 (OK) - wy?wietla dat? naprawy lub upgrade'u (je?li taka mia?a miejsce)

    37832 (OK) - ustawia dat? nabycia telefonu w formacie MMRR (MM - miesi?c,
    RR - rok) - uwaga: mo?na to ustawi? tylko raz wi?c uwa?aj excl.gif

    87267 (OK) - transmisja danych u?ytkownika/przenoszenie danych do PC-ta

    NOKIA 8810:


    Wersja oprogramowania

    *#92702689# (czyli *#war0anty#)
    Wej?cie do trybu serwisowego.

    W??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    Wy??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    W??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri o ok.30%

    Wy??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri

    NOKIA 9000:


    Wersja oprogramowania

    Wy?wietla tydzie? i rok produkcji, np. 1497 b?dzie oznacza? 14 tydzie? 1997

    NOKIA 9110:


    Wersja oprogramowania

    W??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    Wy??cza system kodowania d?wi?ku Enhaced Full Rate

    W??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri o ok.30%

    Wy??cza oszcz?dno?? bateri biggrin.gif

    Kody sieciowe ( do wszystkich telefonów GSM)

    Obja�nienie pocz?tkowych symboli:

    ** rejestrowanie i aktywacja
    * aktywacja
    ## wyrejestrowanie i deaktywacja
    # deaktywacja
    *# sprawdzanie stanu (statusu)
    ? - dzwo?

    Wszystkie po??czenia przekazywane na numer

    Deaktywacja wszystkich po??cze? przekazywanych (nie odpowiada, nie
    osi?galny, zaj?ty)

    Przekazywanie wszystkich rozmów na numer

    Przekazywanie wszystkich rozmów

    Derejestrowanie wszystkich rozmów

    Deaktywacja wszystkich rozmów

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich rozmów

    Przekazywanie rozmów gdy nie odpowiada

    Aktywacja rozmów gdy nie odpowiada

    Derejestrowanie rozmów gdy nie odpowiada

    Deaktywacja rozmów gdy nie odpowiada

    Sprawdzanie statusu rozmów gdy nie odpowiada

    Przekazywanie rozmów gdy nie osi?galny na numer

    Przekazywanie rozmów gdy nie osi?galny

    Derejestrowanie rozmów gdy nie osi?galny

    Deaktywacja rozmów gdy nie osi?galny

    Sprawdzanie statusu rozmów gdy nie osi?galny

    Przekazywanie rozmów gdy zaj?ty na numer

    Przekazywanie rozmów gdy zaj?ty

    Derejestrowanie rozmów gdy zaj?ty

    Deaktywacja rozmów gdy zaj?ty

    Sprawdzanie statusu rozmów gdy zaj?ty

    Przekazywanie wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Deaktywacja wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Przekazywanie wszystkich po??cze?

    Deaktywacja wszystkich po??cze?

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich po??cze?

    Przekazywanie wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze? mi?dzynarodowych

    Deaktywacja wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze? mi?dzynarodowych

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Aktywacja wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze? mi?dzynarodowych to home

    Deaktywacja wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze? mi?dzynarodowych to
    home country

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?
    mi?dzynarodowych do w?asnego kraju

    Przekazywanie wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Deaktywacja wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich wychodz?cych po??cze?

    Aktywacja wszystkich po??cze? przychodz?cych

    Deaktywacja wszystkich po??cze? przychodz?cych

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich po??cze? przychodz?cych

    Aktywacja wszystkich przychodz?cych po??cze? z roamingu

    Deaktywacja wszystkich przychodz?cych po??cze? z roamingu

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich przychodz?cych po??cze? z roamingu

    Aktywacja wszystkich po??cze? przychodz?cych

    Deaktywacja wszystkich po??cze? przychodz?cych

    Sprawdzanie statusu wszystkich po??cze? przychodz?cych

    Aktywacja po??cze? oczekuj?cych

    Deaktywacja po??cze? oczekuj?cych /td>

    Sprawdzanie statusu po??cze? oczekuj?cych

    Aktywacja CLIP

    Deaktywacja CLIP

    Sprawdzanie statusu CLIP

    Aktywacja CLIR

    Aktywacja CLIR dla aktualnych po??cze?

    Deaktywacja CLIR

    Deaktywacja CLIR dla aktualnych po??cze?

    Sprawdzanie statusu CLIR

    Aktywacja COLP

    Deaktywacja COLP

    Sprawdzanie statusu COLP

    Aktywacja COLR

    Deaktywacja COLR

    Sprawdzanie statusu COLR

    Nie wiem czy wszystko dzia?a... :)

    zassane z eMula :)

    mkl - 06-13-2007 19:29
    dzieki przyda sie

    zoltan78 - 07-12-2007 08:31
    mam pyanie znacie jakis kody na symbiana bo wiem ?e si? róznia dok?adnie chodzi mi o nokie POZDRAWIM

    [ Dodano: 2007-07-12, 09:35 ]
    *#2820# - pokazuje adres modu?u Bluetooth
    *#0000# - wy?wietla wersj? softu w telefonie
    *#06# - wy?wietla numer IMEI telefonu
    *#7370# oraz *#7780# - kody, które formatuj? pami?? telefonu.
    *#7370925538# ( *#res0wallet# ) - resetuje ustawienia portfela
    *#92702689# ( *#war0anty#) - pokazuje ??czny czas po??cze?
    *#67705646# ( *#opr0logo# ) - czy?ci logo operatora
    *#62209526# ( *#mac0wlan# ) - pokazuje adres modu?u MAC

    [ Dodano: 2007-07-12, 09:36 ]
    *#2820# - pokazuje adres modu?u Bluetooth
    *#0000# - wy?wietla wersj? softu w telefonie
    *#06# - wy?wietla numer IMEI telefonu
    *#7370# oraz *#7780# - kody, które formatuj? pami?? telefonu.
    *#7370925538# ( *#res0wallet# ) - resetuje ustawienia portfela
    *#92702689# ( *#war0anty#) - pokazuje ??czny czas po??cze?
    *#67705646# ( *#opr0logo# ) - czy?ci logo operatora
    *#62209526# ( *#mac0wlan# ) - pokazuje adres modu?u MAC

    SD - 07-12-2007 16:33
    Prosz? bardzo:


    *# 06 # Seriennummer/IMEI indicates (actually also a GSM is code - see further below)
    *# 0000 #
    16.12.03 SW version announcements (e.g. V3.42.1, 16-10-03, Nhl-10)
    *# 2820 #
    16.12.03 Bluetooth (BT) device address indicate.
    xx #
    16.12.03 Directory quick access (xx = storage location and afterwards lozenge e.g. 24 #)
    A/from key
    16.12.03 Short pressing for menu for switching between profiles
    Menu key
    16.12.03 Long pressing for "task manager" - switching between active programs (with "C" key programs can be terminated.)
    Menu quick access
    18.01.04 Over in the menu e.g. to point 3.1 arrive simply 31 enter (if the third symbol a file is opened is for these and then in it started the first Programm/Icon).
    Autostart go around
    28.12.03 When switching on of the Handys on to the pin inquiry the key "ABC" (pin) comes the whole time keeps pressed - this is to ignore (allegedly) the autoinitialization programs.
    15.02.04 Do not switch between different lines (AS)... goes e.g. with Austrian ONE Handys (see nose cunning). I could not try out however also, since I did not have 2 lines on the SIM map.
    16.12.03 ... is according to standard set the Nokia nokia-Sicherheitscode.
    16.12.03 ... is according to standard those (with Vodafone windshield frame section) set 2te pin and that standard net code/password
    With D1 the standard net code is the last 4 numbers of the card number without HLR e.g. 99999234-5/55 - > 2345
    0 - for a long time press
    25.10.04 If one the "0" in the main menue for a long time presses those homepage of the standard WAP connection is called.

    Caution - starting from here the codes are "dangerous" NIEBEZPIECZNE TO ZNACZY
    * # of res wallet #
    28.12.03 ... is to be deleted the code around the "wallet"! Input like normal telephone number (not in wallet code inquiry windows).
    NOTE! Afterwards the "wallet" is empty, can again be put on however with new code.
    *# 7780 #
    17.01.04 The "original attitudes" and telephone re-establishes is again started (an appropriate inquiry and it follow before must the sicherheitscode be entered).
    NOTE! Afterwards various "attitudes" are away - among other things these:
    ·1 Points of entrance (Provider dependent points of entrance and attitudes)
    ·2 Bluetooth attitudes
    ·3 Favorite
    ·4 Allocation of the two keys (beside Navi keys) in the main menue
    ·5 Profiles are "neglected" (as with distribution) - still there however new bell tones, etc. are...
    ·6 SMS/MMS/E Mail attitudes
    ·7 Logos and spielstaende (allegedly) also deleted...
    Programs, calendars and contacts, etc. not changed...
    Also the sicherheitscode remains.
    This putting back goes also via menu under "attitudes - general - original telephone once.".
    *# 7370 #
    21.01.04 Soft format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a software RESET. (however still another inquiry comes before.)
    NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!
    This is "only" a soft format... Hard format with "green, 3, *"... see below.
    Green, * 3
    21.01.04 Hard format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a RESET.
    NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!

    Proceeding: Equipment switch off, which keep "green key" (take off) at the same time pressed, "*" and to "3" key and switch the equipment on (the keys thereby keep further pressed)... to "Formatting" on the display appears...
    If that does not function, then equipment for 1 hour switch off, Akku so for a long time rausnehmen and again try.
    "only" virtual the memory is generally cleared - genuine formatting can take place only in a Nokia service center, if the Fash is deleted there and/or new L.G. is installed.
    16.12.03 * # 92702689 #, then switch - system menu off (goes with me not)

    The following code do not fold (with me also):
    * EFR0 # (* 3370 #) EFR activate (EFR = Enhanced Full rate Coding - language optimization)
    # EFR0 # (# 3370 #) EFR switch off
    * HRC # (* 4720 #) HRC switch on (HRC = helped rate Coding - language compression)
    # HRC0 # (# 4720 #) HRC switch off
    12.01.04 Simlock status query: (use "*" the key over "p,w" and "+" indications to enter)
    # pw+ 1234567890 +1 # Provider LOCK status
    # pw+ 1234567890 +2 # network LOCK status
    # pw+ 1234567890 +3 # Country LOCK status
    # pw+ 1234567890 +4 # Sim Card LOCK status

    The code 1234567890 must be computed with a program e.g. SmartDCT4Calc and/or DCT 4 code Calculator from IMEI, etc.... Information look for if necessary here: www.gsm free.com or www.iphone forum.org

    Info. to Simlock: SIM LOCK makes it for the offerer/network carriers possible, subsidized (verguenstigte) Handys to offer. Thus one makes oneself if necessary punishable if one SIM LOCK deactivated - in addition the warranty can purged. I take over for it no adhesion or responsibility!

    GSM code ... should function at each Handy - however Netz(betreiber)abhaengig are... and "harmless"...
    Generally applies: First enter code, "send" afterwards (< send green key > press) and one moment wait...
    Good Links/Sites in addition: www.handy sms.de/forum/gsm codes.html or www.mobilemania.de/facts+infos/gsmcodes.php
    SMS Tipps
    27.01.04 To Tipps & cheat about SMS (with appropriate codes) are immediately in the FAQ list .
    For example for the topic: SMS "retard" and/or deferred send, acknowledgment of receipt, reports...
    Mark more simply
    01.03.04 To Tipps & cheat to the topic "mark" e.g. with SMS entrance.
    Over simply to mark simply the "pin" (ABC key) hold some e.g. SMS and move then Jostick downward.
    Call number transmission
    01.01.04 * 31 # - { CLIR - Calling LINE identification Restriction switches on for the general call number transmission }
    # 31 # - switch off the general call number transmission
    # 31 # [ telephone number ] - with the next call suppress the own call number (thus temporary)
    * 31 # [ telephone number ] - with the next call transfer own call number (thus temporary)
    * # 31 # - status query (of call number transmission)
    # 31 * [ telephone number ] - own call number show, although receiving station switched call number suppression on. (is not usually de-energised of the Netz(betreiber).)

    * 30 # - switch { TIE-clip - Calling LINE identification presentation for the announcement on of the call number of the caller }
    # 30 # - switch off
    * # 30 # - status query

    This also partly goes with 6600 via Men: Attitudes - calls - own No. send...

    The following codes are not supported by most Netz(betreibern):
    * # 76 # - announcement of the call number, under which one reached the calling (not its call number during rufumleitung!) { COLP - COonnected LINE identification presentation }
    * 76 # - switch on
    # 76 # - switch off

    * # 77 # - announcement of the call number, under which the caller reached me (not my call number during rufumleitung meinerseits!) { COLR - COnnected LINE identification Restriction }
    * 77 # - switch on
    # 76 # - switch off
    Call bypasses (call Forwarding)
    01.01.04 Bypass code (U):
    U=21 always
    U=61 retards
    U=62 not attainable
    U=67 occupies

    U=61, 62, 67 can be parallel active

    U=21 - > and then no more call signaling overwrites U=61,62 and 67!
    Service code (D):
    Not all nets support all services
    D=10 language and fax (all calls)
    D=11 only language
    D=12 all data (speed/minutes)
    D=13 only fax
    D=14 DATEX j (active?)
    D=15 teletex (active?)
    D=16 only SMS
    D=18 all data except SMS
    D=19 all services except SMS
    D=20 all services
    D=21 all asynchronous services
    D=22 all synchronous services
    D=23 3.1 kHz GSM of language services
    D=24 all synchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs
    D=25 only data (all asynchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs)
    D=26 DATA pack exchange on the left of inclusive. PADs
    D=27 services thru PADs
    D=29 12 Kbps digitally left

    ** U * [ goal call number ] * D # - bypass switch on
    Input without * D means bypass of all services

    ## U ** D # - switch bypass off (individual bypasses and service code)
    Without ** D all services are switched off to bypasses
    ## 002 # (all bypasses for all service codes switch off)
    ## 004 # (switch off only U=61, 62, 67 and for all service codes - thus ", not attainable, nonacceptance "occupies)

    * # U ** D # - status of the bypasses query:
    Input without ** D queries all services and bypasses

    Bypass in the speaking and/or fax box: Number in bypass procedure with D=11 and/or 13 enter
    Goal call number (e.g. D2-Netz: +49,172 xxx) and Handynummer without preselection (if necessary 172 replaces) enter.

    Tap: During switched on rufumleitung "with occupied" being able "to reject" calls by one the red key during "to ring" presses. The caller is then passed on to the goal call number of the occupying bypass (e.g. mailbox).
    Type for waiting period during rufumleitung 61: ** 61 * [ goal call number ] * 11 * [ time in sec. (5 to 30) ] #

    This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes - rufumleitungen -...
    01.01.04 Knocks is signaling a secondary call during a current discussion
    * 43 # - switch on
    # 43 # - switch off
    * # 43 # - status query

    This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes - calls - knocking...

    0 < sends > - reject while the discussion a knocking
    1 < send > - discussion terminate, knocking discussion accept
    certain discussion (y) terminate 1 (y) < send >
    2 < sends > - discussion park, knocking discussion accept
    certain discussion and new discussion leads 2 parks (y) < sends >

    0 < sends > - caller the busy condition signal

    This also partly goes with 6600 via menus existing during the discussion.
    Call barrier
    01.01.04 Possible only if bypass of the service code is switched off.
    Check code (S):
    S=33 all outgoing transmissions
    S=331 outgoing abroad
    S=332 outgoing abroad except home
    S=35 all arriving transmissions
    S=351 all arriving abroad

    Special check codes (s) delete:
    Switch off only in connection with the procedure
    S=330 check code status outgoing & arriving transmissions switch off
    S=333 check code status outgoing transmissions switch off
    S=353 check code status arriving transmissions switch off
    Service code (D):
    Not all nets support all services
    D=10 language and fax (all calls)
    D=11 only language
    D=12 all data (speed/minutes)
    D=13 only fax
    D=14 DATEX j (active?)
    D=15 teletex (active?)
    D=16 only SMS
    D=18 all data except SMS
    D=19 all services except SMS
    D=20 all services
    D=21 all asynchronous services
    D=22 all synchronous services
    D=23 3.1 kHz GSM of language services
    D=24 all synchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs
    D=25 only data (all asynchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs)
    D=26 data packet exchange links incl. PADs
    D=27 services thru PADs
    D=29 12 Kbps digital link

    * S * [Passwort] * D # - einschalten der Anruf-Sperre
    # S * [Passwort] * D # - ausschalten der Anruf-Sperre
    *# S # - Status der Anruf-Sperre abfragen

    Passwort für Handy Sperre ändern:
    ** 03 ** [altes Passwort] * [neues Passwort] * [neues Passwort wiederholen] #
    ** 03 * 330 *[altes Passwort] * [neues Passwort] * [neues Passwort wiederholen] #

    Dies geht beim 6600 auch teilweise via Menü: Einstellungen - Anrufsperre ...
    PIN ändern
    01.01.04 ** 04 * [alte PIN] * [neue PIN] * [neue PIN wiederholen] #
    ** 042 * [alte PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2 wiederholen] #

    PIN entsperren: ** 05 * [PUK] * [neue PIN] * [neue PIN wiederholen] #
    PIN 2 entsperren: ** 052 * [PUK2] * [neue PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2 wiederholen] #

    Dies geht beim 6600 auch teilweise via Menü: Einstellungen - Sicherheit - Telefon und SIM ...
    Diverse Codes
    02.02.04 Die folgenden Codes klappen nur in einigen (wenigen) Netzen/Netzbetreibern ... leider z.B. nicht im Vodafone D2 Netz (in Deutschland):
    *#100# - Eigene Nummer (Own Number)
    *#101# - HLR Nummer
    *#102# - Switch Nummer
    *#103# - Zeit im Netz (Network Time)
    *#104# - Anrufbeantworter Nummer (Voice mailbox number)
    *#105# - Switch number
    *#147# - Letzter Anrufer (Last Caller)

    #646# - Minutes Used: (646 spells 'MIN')
    *#1345# or *174# - Vodafone Prepaid balance

    *78 - Do not disturb - nur in Nord America in GSM und CDMA Netzen möglich
    *79 - Cancel (s.o.)

    [ Dodano: 2007-07-12, 17:34 ]
    I niech nie mowia ze jestem pijawka 8-)

    Ari911™ - 09-14-2008 07:47
    Tu dam jeszcze kody niektóre są te same a niektórych nie było ;]

    All Handphones Mastercode

    Alcatel HD1, HE1: 25228353
    Alcatel BE1, BE3: 25228352
    Alcatel BE4, BE5: 83227423

    *#06# Show IMEI & SW version
    000000* Entering in Engineering Menu1 (with SIM)
    ###874# Reset to Factory Defaults (with SIM)
    ###765*02# Add Barring Groups
    ###765*05# Locking to Network
    ###765*07# Unlocking from Network
    ###765*08# Erase Network
    ###765*78# Deactivate Barring Groups
    0123456789 Menu2 Code - BE4 Menu2 - turn long CALL in Maenu1

    *#0048# Fast change language (h)
    *#0049# Fast change language (Deutsch)

    *#0000# Language automaticaly (reset to english)
    *#3370# Enhaced Full Rate
    *#3370# Reset the phone
    *#9000# enter sim lock code
    *#9001# enter the corporate code (Bosch 908)
    *#9002# enter the provider code (Bosch 908)
    *#9003# enter the network code
    *#9004# enter the subset code
    *#9100# remove the sim lock permanently
    *#9101# remove the corporate lock permanently
    *#9102# remove the provider lock permanently
    *#9103# remove the network lock permanently
    *#9104# remove the subset lock permanently
    *#3262255*8378# (*#DANCALL*TEST#) hidden 10th menu

    *#06# IMEI
    *#9999# firmware
    *#9998# configuration
    *#9997# selftest
    *#9994# serial number (DANCALL HP 2731)
    *#9993# adding "Engineering functions"

    *#9990# battery monitor
    M1599955 time to discharge

    *#9000# SIM Lock
    *#9001# Group SIM Lock
    *#9002# Operator SIM Lock
    *#9003# Network SIM Lock

    *#06# IMEI
    <**< lock menu
    >*<<*<* service menu
    *#0000# fast english menu
    **04*0000*0000*0000# menu without SIM

    *#103# YES date and time

    *#06# IMEI
    ##9140*83#75*2# soft version

    *6861# factory reset
    *0008# language
    *0009# language
    *0000# language
    *7245786# check read FFS
    *762442# GVCMMI Magic
    1945#*5101# sim lock menu

    *#9900# - Software Version
    *#9901# - Software Version (PBatch)
    *#9911# - L1 Debug on/off
    *#9915# - Back to defauld
    *#9916# - Text (scroll up/down)
    *#9917# - Lock status
    *#9922# - Enter Menu
    *#9934# - Bd config
    *#9935# - FC init
    *#9936# - TOC init
    *#9937# - Discharging battery
    *#9940# - Pins
    *#9941# - Testsignal
    *#9953# - Phone off
    *#9957# - Select 2-3 Menu lines
    *#9958# - Watch stop
    *#9959# - Watch start
    *#9960# - Contrast set
    *#9962# - SMS Menu
    *#9988# - Tetris Play
    *#9999# - Oem Id

    *#06# IMEI

    in permament test mode
    (* hold 2 sec)
    ***113*1*[OK] net monitor

    T205/T19x (ACER)

    *#300# OK List the Software and Hardware version
    *#301# OK Full Keypads functional Test
    *#303# OK Set Default Language to English
    *#304# OK Set OFF engineering mode
    #304*19980722# OK Set ON engineering mode
    *#305# OK Location: 1 OK
    *#307# OK Engineering Test Mode
    *#311# OK Phone code changed to default code
    *#400# OK ADC, Cal val*
    *#402# OK Adjust Display Intensity / Contrast
    *#403# OK List the Manufacturing Informations
    19980722 OK Master Unlock code for Phone and Sim Lock
    *#302# OK Acoustic test*
    7.1 Greeting
    7.2 Main VlmGain
    7.3 Input Cal
    7.4 Output Cal
    7.5 Side In Gain
    7.6 Vox Gain
    7.7 Min Mic Engy
    7.8 More
    (a) In Vlm Gain
    (cool.gif Aux Vlm Gain
    © Silence Prd
    (d) Supp Prd
    (e) In Volume
    (f) Out Volume
    (g) Icon
    (h) Image
    (i) Animation
    *3370# EFR ON (enhanced full rate)
    #3370# ERF OFF
    *#72837726# OK Confirm ?, Data saver
    1234 OK Phone code default
    *#0000# OK Setting saved, restore set phone do default language
    *#0048# OK Fast change h langpack
    *#0007# OK Fast change russian langpack

    MOTOROLA 3xx

    *#06# and quick 'menu-key' and 048263* (Push the key quickly!)
    and entering at field "OPTCODE" you must try several times.
    If not working try with MOTO TEST CARD inserted.

    Security code - 32*118*1*0*0
    Model - 32*279*1*0*8
    Flex ver - 32*383*1*0*0
    Master Reset - 18*0
    Master Clear - 18*1
    Set band GSM 900 - 10*0*3
    Set band DCS 1800 - 10*0*4
    Set band PCS 1900 - 10*0*5
    Set dual band GSM 900/1800 - 10*0*6
    Read band - 10*1*0 => 3-GSM, 4-DCS, 5-PCS, 6-GSM/DCS
    User code - 32*116*1*0*0 /coded:00310032003300340000 - 1234/
    Read imei - 32*4*1*0*0 "OK" /coded:083a05092700247709 - 350907200427799/

    47*4*1*0*9*081A32547698103254 => IMEI=123456789012345
    it is possible to change IMEI

    *#06# IMEI
    *73738# (send?) Reset to defaults
    *#2820# Software version

    SP Lock info
    *#3210# (send?) for Sim lock info
    *#8140# (send?) for Net lock info

    [password is an 8 digits number]

    Sim Lock
    *#4960# (send?) - Inquiry * 4969 * password * password # (send?)

    Net Lock
    *#7320# (send?) - Inquiry * 7320 * password * password # (send?)

    Net Lock 2
    *#2220# (send?) - Inquiry * 2220 * password * password # (send?)

    Subnet Lock
    *#1110# (send?) - Inquiry * 1110 * password * password # (send?)

    *#06# IMEI
    *#0000# view Software Version
    *#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
    *#92702689# [*#war0anty#] secret menu:
    1. Displays Serial Number
    2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
    3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased
    4. Displays the date of last repairment - if found (0000)
    5. Makes you capebel of transferring user data
    6. Shows how many hours the phone has been on

    *3370# Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation
    #3370# Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation
    *4370# Half Rate Codec activation
    #4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation
    xx# - xx position in Phone Book

    NOKIA 9000

    *#06# IMEI
    *#682371158412125# soft version
    *#3283# prod. date

    NOKIA 7650

    *#7979# phone reset
    *#7470# hard reset
    *#7370# master reset (like new phone)

    *#06# IMEI
    *#9999# (first 10 sec after power on) soft date
    746, MENU, MENU lock condition

    *#06# IMEI
    *#2254*# Status register: C,BS,RR,MMI,CREAT
    *#2255*# activate and deactivate the "DEBUG CALL" -Mode;
    when activated,make a call to busy line an the phone will display
    some hex codes on the display
    *#2558*# the time in days, hours and minutes you are connected to the net
    *#2562*# not clear; the phone reconnect to the net
    *#2565*# not clear; warmstart ?
    *#3333*# (NO) blocking -list (15 items)
    *#2377*# "BEER" : not cler the phone waits a random time and reconnect to net,
    sometimes make reset
    *#3377*# Init , Flags , SIM LOCK
    *#3353*# reset the (NO) BLOCKING list
    *#7378*# Name, Lenght,SIM phase
    *#7489*# Security Code
    *#7693*# you can activate and deactivate the Sleep Menu
    (when deactivated the battery will go down!)
    *#7787*# not clear: Spurious Interrupt
    *#7948*# Switch Off: not clear: it is a timer or something
    *#8463*# Some information about the SLEEP MODE:
    Wake, Sleep Req., Sleep

    GENIE (TCD838)
    *#2337*# and it will be activate the beep signal
    when the phone reconnected to the net.

    *#8377*# software version
    *#1234# or *#7489# Security code
    *#5644*# software version (enlarge)
    *#8377*# simlock status

    *#5187*# L1TR
    *#3877*# hanging mobile for a while
    *#7826*# master reset
    *#7626*# ?
    *#7462*# to SIM PHASE 2
    *#7676*# ?

    *#06# IMEI

    in main menu press * for HOT MENU:
    lcd, led, vibra, tests, imei, software versions, battery voltage

    Type MENU - 5 - 1 - 1 - # to enter Engineering Menu

    *#06# Show IMEI
    *#9999# Show Software Version
    *#0837# Show Software Version (instructions)
    *#0001# Show Serial Parameters
    *#9125# Activates the smiley when charging
    *#0523# LCD Contrast

    *#9998*228# Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)
    *#9998*246# Program status
    *#9998*289# Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency
    *#9998*324# Debug Screens
    *#9998*364# Watchdog
    *#9998*377# EEPROM Error Stack - Use side keys to select values
    *#9998*427# Trace Watchdog
    *#9998*523# Change LCD contrast
    *#9998*544# Jig detect
    *#9998*636# Memory status
    *#9998*746# SIM File Size
    *#9998*778# SIM Service Table
    *#9998*785# RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors - if ok then phn is reset,
    info is put in memory error
    *#9998*786# Run, Last UP, Last DOWN
    *#9998*837# Software Version
    *#9998*842# Test Vibrator - Flash the screenlight during 10 sec
    and vibration activated
    *#9998*862# Vocoder Reg - Normal, Earphone or Carkit
    *#9998*872# Diag
    *#9998*947# Reset On Fatal Error
    *#9998*999# Last/Chk

    *#9998*9266# Yann debug screen (Debug Screens?)
    *#9998*9999# Software version

    *0001*s*f*t# Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0.1, t=0.1)
    *0002*?# unknown
    *0003*?# unknown

    FOR NEW SGH (R210, T100, A300...)
    if code is in format *#9998*xxx#
    try write in this *#0xxx#


    *2767*3855# Full EEPROM Reset (THIS CODE REMMOVES SP-LOCK!
    but also changes IMEI to 447967-89-400044-0
    *2767*2878# Custom EEPROM Reset

    SGH E700

    *2767*688# remove USER CODE and SIMLOCK

    SGH V200

    Power on the phone without SIM card and type these codes:

    *2767*63342# and press green button
    *2767*3855# and press green button
    *2767*2878# and press green button
    *2767*927# and press green button
    *2767*7822573738# press button

    Phone will be unlocked, but all trims are reseted !!!
    Mobile phone must be fully charged

    SGH S500


    *2767*MVT# (*2767*688#) E2P MVT Reset
    *#SIMLOCK# (*#7465625#)

    *01763*8371# check software version type

    *#06# IMEI
    *#0606# sim lock status
    *#0003*(secret code 8 digits)# - SP unlock
    *#0000# then Green button - Reset language to automatic selection

    *#337# - reset (without simcard)
    *#06# - Soft version (with simcard) long right switch

    *#7465625*12*12345678#, 7465625 means SIMLOCK and 12345678 is number
    that you get from the unlock program

    For SIM code: *#7465625*XX*(8-digit received SIMcode)#

    XX can be:
    12 for NCK lock
    22 for Provider lock
    32 for Network lock
    42 for SIM code lock
    52 for Subset lock
    62 for Corporate lock
    72 for IMSI personal
    99 for IMSI range

    For WAP code: *#9275625*11*(8-digit received WAP code)#

    *#06# IMEI number
    *#00xx# Changes language (xx is your country code)
    *#0000000# Resets language to auto selection
    *#8378 *#TEST Reset your phone
    *#7465625# *#simlock# -> Displays SIM lock status
    *#7353273# *#release# -> Display firmware version
    *#39482633# *#EXITCODE# -> Shows phone latest failure causes
    *#78737322867973738# *#superfactoryreset#
    -> Reset personal data (remove SIM card first)
    *#73287489263373738# *#securitycodereset#
    -> Reset security code to 0000 (remove SIM card first)
    *#8654# Test phones keystroke
    *#77343# *#PREGE# -> Activates MONITOR MODE on J5/J6
    *#7669666# *#SONYMON# -> Activates MONITOR MODE on J7/70/27
    *#275781# *#ASKRT1# -> Still unknown
    *09*(PIN code)# -> Turns PIN code on
    #09*(PIN code)# -> Turns PIN code off

    Sony Ericsson:

    NOTE: "<" dan ">" ialah joystick yg digerakkan ke "kiri" dan ke "kanan"
    IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
    Software version: > * < < * < *
    Default Language: <>
    Lock to network < * * <

    hold * 4329 Net Monitor1
    hold * 621342 Net Monitor2
    hold * 5472 M4 Testmode
    hold * 5806 SW version
    hold * 5807 HW version
    hold * 936505 SW and HW version

    hold * 476989 NS Lock Menu
    hold * 482896 CP Lock Menu
    hold * 574243 NS Lock Menu
    hold * 967678 SP Lock Menu
    hold * 362628 IMSI Lock Menu
    hold * 787090 Lock net.level
    hold * 787292 Lock net.level
    hold * 3926 Shut Down...

    *#0048# fast change h langpack
    *0000# automatic language

    *850696 Warmstart
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