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  • HyperSnap 6

    gutom - 05-08-2008 06:02
    Hyperionics Hypersnap DX ver 6.30.02 b9744 - ENGiNE



    HyperSnap is the fastest and easiest way to take screen captures from Windows screen, and text capture (TextSnap™) from places where normal text copy is not possible. HyperSnap combines the power of a first-class screen capture application with an advanced image editing utility - wrapped into one easy-to-use tool!

    It's perfect for capturing images that you want to include in your Help system, online tutorials, manuals, training handouts, presentations, marketing materials, Web pages, emails and more. Use HyperSnap to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen.

    HyperSnap is versatile and extremely easy-to-use. You can quickly customize menus and toolbars to fit your needs. Assign your own keyboard shortcuts, create instant toolbars, and even control HyperSnap with voice commands!

    HyperSnap v.6 is compatible with Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit releases, XP, 2000, NT4, ME and Windows 98.

    Top Features

    * New in ver. 6 TextSnap™ feature to capture editable text from almost anywhere on the screen, when running under Windows 2000, XP, Vista or newer. Starting from ver. 6.10 can also capture tab-delimited data for easy paste into MS Excel.
    * New & powerful image capture, editing, annotation and manipulation tools.
    * Snags also those difficult-to-grab screens from DirectX™ and Glide™ games.
    * Image stamps, frames, drop shadow, free-hand capture, FTP server uploads, more!
    * Automatic color substitution!
    * Non-rectangular window capture!
    * Button Capture - perfect for professional technical writers who need to snap and document dozens of buttons!
    * Auto-scrolls and concurrently captures long web pages and other. documents, enabling it to grab more than is visible on the screen.
    * Tightly integrates with the MS Windows clipboard to automate repetitive tasks - will even automatically PASTE capture images where needed!
    * Automatically saves your captures to graphics files.
    * Doubles as effective image viewer, format converter (over 20 image formats supported).
    * Fully customizable user interface. Rearrange menus and toolbars any way you want, assign any keyboard shortcuts you like, tear off menus to create instant toolbars, even control HyperSnap with voice commands!

    Extended Window Capture function when running on Windows XP® . Resizes a window to be much bigger than the screen before the capture - in one quick step, no auto-scrolling!

    Much, much more!


    http://rapidshare.com/files/113344080/Hyperionics.Hypersnap.DX.ver.6.30.02.b9744.ENGiNE.upped.by.gutom.rar no pass

    Ari911™ - 02-27-2009 12:42


    Ark - 05-29-2009 17:46
    HyperSnap 6 [PL]


    ZimnaFuzja - 05-29-2009 23:26
    HyperSnap-DX v6.50.03 PL FULL


    HyperSnap-DX PL to program do wykonywania tzw. zrzutów ekranowych oraz ich późniejszej obróbki. HyperSnap-DX umożliwia dokonywanie zrzutów z całości lub z wybranej części obszaru pulpitu Windows (wraz z uruchomionymi aplikacjami), a także z pracujących w trybie pełnoekranowym gier oraz programów odtwarzających video czy filmy DVD (pracujących w oparciu o sterowniki DirectX). Ciekawą funkcją programu jest opcja automatycznego przewijania - przydatna do wykonywania zrzutów np. stron internetowych, których zawartość nie mieści się w całości na ekranie. Warto zauważyć, że program jest w Polsce sprzedawany w dużo niższej cenie niż w innych krajach.


    Leq - 05-29-2010 14:29
    Hyperionics Hypersnap v6.81.03.Polish-rG
    Wersja Polska


    Compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit releases
    of Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, NT4, ME and Windows 98.

    RLS.DATE: 05/2010
    SUPPLiER: rG
    YEAR: 2010
    SiZE: 02x5.00MB
    TYPE: appz/capture
    PROTECTiON: Licence
    OS: Win98+
    LANGUAGE: Polish

    Unpack, install, apply patch, enjoy...


    http://freakshare.net/files/y7qb9eoc/hs.v6.81.03.Polish-rG.zip.html mirror
    http://hotfile.com/dl/45370176/73f8a5c/hs.v6.81.03.Polish-rG.zip.html mirror
    http://netload.in/dateimyBp8nvCvo/hs.v6.81.03.Polish-rG.zip.htm mirror
    http://rapidshare.com/files/392858889/hs.v6.81.03.Polish-rG.zip mirror
    http://sharingmatrix.com/file/6296743/hs.v6.81.03.Polish-rG.zip no pass / bez hasła
    bez kompresji
    single extraction
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