[Gra] Fifa
Poldek - 05-02-2007 14:01
Poszukuje gry fifa 2000,2001 lub 2002 które? z tych cz??ci
imported_zibiki - 05-02-2007 14:44
[center:a37a82ff43]FIFA World Cup 2002[/center:a37a82ff43]
http://www.dpluss.nl/fifa202a.jpg [/center:a37a82ff43]
[center:a37a82ff43]FIFA World Cup 2002
It wasn\'t so very long ago that soccer fans could choose from a variety of PC-based depictions of their favorite sport. Yet as the last few years of the 20th century fluttered by, it became increasingly apparent that one title stood tall above the rest. That game was EA Sports\' FIFA Soccer, and today it is virtually the only way to play. With 2002 FIFA World Cup, EA has gone to the well once more, again tweaking its dominant formula just enough to make an already captive audience think hard about reenlisting. Sporting several minor gameplay enhancements and a substantially overhauled presentation that impressively re-creates the global impact of a World Cup event, this edition of FIFA is in many ways the finest edition of FIFA yet. Although it revolves completely around the 2002 Japan/Korea World Cup and as such doesn\'t deliver the sheer number of players, teams, and league and tournament options of FIFA\'s regular annual installments, 2002 FIFA World Cup is quite simply one of the most exciting PC sports games ever created.[/center:a37a82ff43]
lool999 - 06-28-2008 19:54
dzięki zioooom megaupload RLZZZ !!!:D Łapaj ciężkie piwa
P.S. przygotuj sie na kaca:F