Download videos from Google,Youtube,Daily Motion
haiduong - 07-11-2007 06:04 up of waiting for pages to load or videos to buffer on youtube or google videos etc? this is the tool for you!!
Easy to use video hacker!!!
Its easy to use, all you need is the link of the site of where the video is, copy and paste it into the HKEY VIDEO HACKER program, and let the program do the rest for you!
You can download videos from Google, Youtube, Grinvi, Daily Motion and many more. Not only does it download the videos, it also converts them into AVI or MEPG format onto your computer. HIGH SPEED DOWNLOAD, NO PASSWORD.
ADIOo - 07-11-2007 11:44
coś mio nie działa ten programik.
wklejam adresik tam gdzie jest VIDEO URL: i klikam DOWNLOAD. wyskakuje mi komunikat - This is not a valid address or the video is not available
co to znaczy?
Tu jest stronka gdzie wklejamy adres i mozna ściągać w formacie FLV